* Code added to make Google search more likely. Mississippi Civil Rights--One Man, One Story: David Brokaw Frankhauser--Freedom Rider

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

David Brokaw Frankhauser--Freedom Rider

Have you ever heard of David Brokaw Frankhauser? The above is his Freedom Rider mug shot taken May 28, 1961 in Jackson, MS. I did an internet search on his name, both in quotes and without the quotes, and I found nothing. By adding 46 years to the man in the photo, I guess he is now nearing 70 if he is still alive. My guess is that he doesn't have a copy of the photograph or even know of its existance in an online digital connection. So, David Brokaw Frankhauser, if you ever search on your name this blog entry will have to be one that comes up near the top and I would love to get an email from you about what you remember from your part of Civil Rights history.

There are so many untold stories from this era. Was this a watershed event for David that changed the course of his life forever, or was it a summer adventure before he went on to finish college or graduate school and got back to his normal life? It would be interesting to hear his story--maybe he'll write to the email address in my profile section someday.


Fankster said...

Thanks for you interest in and support of the Freedom Rides. Yes, they often misspell my last name as "Frankhauser," but you have figured out that the correct spelling is "Fankhauser." If you want to see my description of the Freedom Rides from my perspective, look on my home page (search "Fankhauser" (correctly spelled! ;-))

Fankster said...

Thanks for you interest in and support of the Freedom Rides. Yes, they often misspell my last name as "Frankhauser," but you have figured out that the correct spelling is "Fankhauser." If you want to see my description of the Freedom Rides from my perspective, look on my home page (search "Fankhauser" (correctly spelled! ;-))